How did you get started in this field?

I began engineering in the manufacturing setting, and after expanding my electrical and controls engineering knowledge I decided I wanted to get into a field where I can help people of all walks of life- Who doesn’t wash their dishes after the dog licks them? Never mind, I don’t want to know.

How did you learn about MR Systems?

I wanted to work for the best controls company in the business. I was beginning the interview process with MR systems when I was approached by a recruiter regarding a different position. When I mentioned to her who I was about to interview with, she told me begrudgingly it was a tough company to get in to and they treat their employees extremely well. Once I interviewed with Jim Bercik, Len Ponn, and Sothorn Khel I knew I had found the right place.

How has MR Systems changed since you started working here?

In my opinion, the engineering department has excelled since I started! All joking aside, MR Systems has grown considerably in size in the amount of time I have been here. It’s impressive to see a business grow at this rapid of a pace; it still feels like it has the small company roots. Everyone knows one another and we all want to see each other succeed.

How has MR Systems helped your career development?

I have been exposed to software and languages that I have never seen before. MR has given me the tools and support needed to master these languages that were once unfamiliar to me. The people I am surrounded by are experts in their respective disciplines. This has made me a more rounded professional because I am able to draw from multiple fields of knowledge.

What is your proudest moment at MR Systems?

I was extremely honored to be nominated and consequently receive the President’s Award in 2016. The fact that my peers considered me for this accolade was both humbling and elating simultaneously. It is something I will never forget.

What are the most interesting and challenging projects you have worked on at MR Systems?

For me, the most challenging as well as most interesting project was writing the universal polling code that has been used in multiple large municipalities, including the City of Columbia, SC and Macon Water Authority, GA. I had to work directly with other applications engineers and project managers to come up with standard statistics and features that would differentiate us from other companies.

What advice do you have for future employees?

Always remember you are employed with a company that will always value and recognize hard work, integrity, and intellect.